User Experience Design
User Experience (UX) is a person’s Emotions & Attitudes about using a particular product, system, or service. It includes the practical, experiential, effective, meaningful and valuable aspects of human–computer interaction and product ownership.
UX Design is the process of enhancing user satisfaction: Improving
Usability, Accessibility, and Pleasure provided by the interaction between the user and the software.
Digital Storytelling keeps users Engaged, creates a Valuable Experience while reinforcing a company’s Expertise & Credibility. Interactive Technology allows us the ability to guide our audience through a compelling narrative while affording opportunities to drill down to the user’s specific desired details.
Interaction Design
Interaction Design is a process in which designers use Logic, Thought Out Behaviors, and Actions to create Engaging Web Interfaces.
Successful Interactive design uses technology and principles of Good Communication to create desired user experiences.
Interaction design can be understood in simple (but not simplified) terms: it is the Design of the Interaction Between Users and Products.
User Interface Design
User Interface (UI) design is the process of making interfaces in software or computerized devices with a Focus on Looks or Style. Designers aim to create designs users will find Easy to use and Pleasurable. UI design typically refers to graphical user interfaces but also includes others, such as voice-controlled ones.
Visual Design
Visual Design aims to shape and improve the user experience through considering the effects of Illustrations, Photography, Typography, Space, Layouts, and Color on the usability of products and on their Aesthetic Appeal. Visual design as a field has grown out of both user interface (UI) design and graphic design.
User Centered Design
User-Centered design or User-Driven Development is a framework of processes in which Usability Goals, User Characteristics, environment, tasks and workflow of a product, service or process are given extensive attention at each stage of the design process.
User-Centered design (UCD) is an iterative design process in which designers Focus on the Users and their Needs in each phase of the design process. In UCD, design teams involve users throughout the design process via a variety of research and design techniques, to create highly usable and accessible products for them.
In user-centered design, designers use a mixture of investigative methods and tools (e.g., surveys and interviews) and generative ones (e.g., brainstorming) to develop an understanding of user needs.
Technical Design
Technical Design stage for building projects. Generally the phrase ‘technical design’ refers to project activities that take place after the detailed design (or ‘developed design’) has been completed, but before the construction contract is tendered or construction begins
A technical design doc describes a solution to a given technical problem. It is a specification, or “design blueprint”, for a software program or feature. The primary function of a TDD is to communicate the technical details of the work to be done to members of the team
Software Design
Software Design is the process by which an agent creates a specification of a software artifact, intended to accomplish goals, using a set of primitive components and subject to constraints. … Software design usually involves problem solving and planning a software solution.
Software design is the process by which an agent creates a specification of a software artifact, intended to accomplish goals, using a set of primitive components and subject to constraints.
MAC – Human Interface Guidelines
Four Primary Themes Differentiate macOS apps from IOS, tvOS, and watchOS apps. Keep these Themes in mind as you imagine your App’s Identity.
macOS Design Themes
People expect macOS apps to be intuitive, while simultaneously adaptable to their workflow through customization and flexibility. Many apps offer configurable preferences, customizable interfaces, and alternate ways of completing tasks. Windows can often be resized and interface elements hidden or repositioned. Tasks can be initiated from toolbars, menus, controls, keyboard shortcuts, the Touch Bar, accessibility features, and more. A flexible app facilitates learning through discoverability.
Large, high-resolution displays are typical for most Mac users, and people often extend their workspace by connecting additional displays. Apps can leverage this expansiveness and provide value by utilizing a wide range of interface components—like tabs, sidebars, sheets, and panels—and supporting immersive features like full-screen mode.
Macs are extremely capable in terms of hardware and software. Apps can harness this power to offer an extensive range of features and workflows that meet a wide variety of simple, advanced, and niche user needs.
macOS is designed to keep the current task clear and in focus. Visual contrast, translucency, and a large drop shadow make it easy to differentiate the active window from inactive windows. Interfaces defer to content and related controls. Throughout the system, adornments are subtle and appropriate.
VoiceOver For Mac
VoiceOver is a visual accessibility feature that allows you to operate your Mac using just your keyboard while having items on the screen read out to you. It’s an exceptionally handy tool for the visually impaired and it comes complete with training so that you can learn to use it to its fullest
JAWS For Windows
JAWS (“Job Access With Speech”) is a computer screen reader program for Microsoft Windows that allows blind and visually impaired users to read the screen either with a text-to-speech output or by a refreshable Braille display. JAWS is produced by the Blind and Low Vision Group of Freedom Scientific.
Non Visual Desktop Access
NVDA allows blind and vision impaired people to access and interact with the Windows operating system and many third party applications. Non Visual Desktop Access is a free, open-source, portable screen reader for Microsoft Windows. The project was started by Michael Curran in 2006. NVDA is programmed in Python.
508 Compliance
Section 508, an amendment to the United States Workforce Rehabilitation Act of 1973, is a federal law mandating that all electronic and information technology developed, procured, maintained, or used by the federal government be accessible to people with disabilities – Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)
508 Compliance Guidelines: Vision – Auditory – Cognitive
Focus on Functionality – Content and Information organized according to functionality – not product type
Industry Alignment – WCAG 2.0 (See Guidelines of Accessibility for all websites, software, and electronics docs.)
Synchronized Technology and Tools – Must Include New Software and Operating Systems (Interoperable)
Accessibility of Content – All Business Content Accessible to Everyone
Purpose: Perceivable – Operable – Understandable – Robust
Material Design (Google’s Design Language)
Material Surfaces – DPS Measures (Height, Width, Depth) Converted into Inches or MM
3 DM Coordinate System X, Y, Z – Shades to Distinguish Depth
Content Behavior – Apps to Check Weather – Snap Photos – Read News – Social Media
Tapping a Video – Selecting A Text – Should Feel Natural – Since Touch Screen Apps are more Physical – They require more attention to detail
Animation & Motion – Google’s Majic Material – Stretching, Merging, Dividing, Regenerating
Interface Icons – Consistency – User Interface Icons – System Icons (ex. Lock, Search, Microphone, Print, Ring, etc.)
Molify is a Software Firm. With the use of Analysis, Algorithms, Software, & Artificial Intelligence
Mollify Helps Companies Enhance Their Digital Business