[the_ad_placement id=”top-of-article”] Google Off-site WebSpam Factors: 1. Unnatural Influx of Links: A sudden (and unnatural) influx of links is a sure-fire sign of phony links. 2. Penguin Penalty: Sites that were hit by Google Penguin are significantly less visible in search. 3. Link Profile with High % of Low-Quality Links: […]
Read MoreArticles by: Christopher Watson
Link Building – Link Building Explained
[the_ad_placement id=”top-of-article”] Link building is the process of acquiring backlinks or hyperlinks from other websites back to your own. A hyperlink (usually just called a link) is a way for users to navigate between pages on the internet. Search engines use links to crawl the web; they will crawl the […]
Read MoreContent Marketing Strategy – Content Marketing
Content Marketing Strategy is a strategic marketing approach focused on creating and distributing valuable, relevant, and consistent content. According to the Content Marketing Institute, the purpose of a Content Marketing is is to attract and retain a clearly-defined audience and, ultimately to drive profitable customer action. Non-Interruption Marketing Instead of […]
Read MoreWebsite Architecture – Optimizing Webpages for Highest Search Results
Website Architecture is Vital for Optimal Web Page Indexing. If your goals is placement on Search Engine Results Pages (SERP’s), then sound Website Architecture is mandatory. Think of a website as a house for a moment. Ideally, we would love for all visitors to enter through the front door (or […]
Read MoreGoogle Algorithm Updates
Google Algorithm Updates 2021 Updates Featured Snippet Drop — February 19, 2021 Unconfirmed MozCast registered a 40% day-over-day drop in SERPs with Featured Snippets, their lowest point since 2015. On further inspection, these were heavily focused on short queries (especially 1-word queries) and disproportionately hit YMYL queries (health and finance). […]
Read MoreGoogle Domain Ranking Factors – Google Algorithm
Google Domain Ranking Factors: 1. Domain Age: Matt Cutts states that: “The difference between a domain that’s six months old verses one year old is really not that big at all.”. In other words, they do use domain age…but it’s not very important. 2. Keyword Appears in Top Level Domain: […]
Read MoreWebsite Software Checklist – The Must-Have Software for Websites
The Website Software Checklist: Have you installed Google Analytics? (Not optional) Have you installed Google Webmaster Tools? (Not optional) Have you installed Bing Webmaster Tools? (Not optional) Install Google Analytics for WordPress and SEO for WordPress? (Will make your life 10x easier) Checked Google Webmaster Tools is high on our website software checklist. It helps find 404 […]
Read MoreUser Experience Design -Digital Storytelling
User Experience Design (UX, UXD, UED, or XD) is the process of enhancing user satisfaction with a product by improving the usability, accessibility, and desirability provided in the interaction with a product. User experience design encompasses traditional human–computer interaction (HCI) design and extends it by addressing all aspects of a product or service as perceived by […]
Read MoreGoogle Special Algorithm Factors – Google Algorithm
Google Special Algorithm Factors include a user’s browser’s history and Search History. 1. Query Deserves Freshness: Google gives newer pages a boost for certain searches. 2. Query Deserves Diversity: Google may add diversity to a SERP for ambiguous keywords, such as “Ted”, “WWF” or “ruby”. 3. User Browsing History: Sites […]
Read MoreCyber Security – Cyber Security Explained
Cyber Security is the body of technologies, processes, and practices designed to protect networks, computers, programs and data from attack, damage or unauthorized access. Cyberspace and its underlying infrastructure are vulnerable to a wide range of risk stemming from both physical and cyber threats and hazards. Sophisticated cyber actors and […]
Read MoreGoogle Social Media Ranking Factors – Google Algorithm
Google Social Media Ranking Factors – Google observes companies activities on many of larger social media platforms: number of Tweets, Facebook Shares, and Facebook Likes are examples of these factors. 1. Number of Tweets: Like links, the tweets a page has may influence its rank in Google. 2. Authority of […]
Read MoreMost Impactful Google Algorithm Updates to Date: Panda, Penguin, and Hummingbird
Most Impactful Google Algorithm Updates to Date: Panda, Penguin, and Hummingbird. Just when you think you’ve grasped the specific details of Google’s algorithm, it’s important to note that changes occur all the time. By understanding the historical trends in what’s changed and staying on top of how things are evolving, […]
Read MoreCustomer Relationship Management – CRM – Managing Interactions with Current & Future Customers
Customer Relationship Management (CRM) is an approach to managing a company’s interactions with current and future customers. It often involves using technology to organize, automate, and synchronize sales, marketing, customer service, and technical support. To find the best Customer Relationship Management software for small business, Business News daily asked small […]
Read MoreSearch Marketing – Gaining Traffic and Visibility from Search Engines through Paid and Unpaid Efforts
Search Marketing is the process of gaining traffic and visibility from Search Engines through both Paid and Unpaid efforts. Search Marketing traffic is considered the most important source of Internet traffic because it’s targeted. It is widely accepted that people use the search engines to find a solution to a […]
Read MoreEmail Marketing – Using Embedded Videos, Pictures, & Links, Companies are Experiencing an Extraordinary Degree of Success at Reaching People via Email.
Email Marketing with MailChimp – How does it Work? More than 7 million people and businesses around the world use MailChimp, they now send more than 500 million emails per day. Email Marketing using MailChimp can provide a key piece to the marketing campaign, one which can help connect your […]
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